Don’t Let It Burst! Essential Tips for Preventing Water Pipe Disasters

Perhaps one of the last things any homeowner would want to happen in their home is a broken water pipe. Water damage, costly repairs, and a giant mess: that’s what a burst water pipe can cause. 

With our increasing reliance on a consistent water supply for daily activities, preventing such disasters becomes paramount. If you’re a homeowner in Canberra or it’s surrounding Suburbs, Rydeau Plumbing, are only a phone call away.

Understand the Causes of Pipe Bursts

Before we jump into prevention, let’s take a brief look at the reasons pipes typically burst:

  • Freezing temperatures: This is one of the most common causes. Water expands when it freezes, increasing the pressure inside the pipe, leading to a burst. An article from HowStuffWorks elaborates the warning signs of frozen pipes and how calling plumbing experts is an excellent way to get this plumbing issue handled properly.
  • Old and corroded pipes: Over time, pipes deteriorate. If they’re not inspected and replaced periodically, they’re more likely to burst.
  • High water pressure: If the water pressure in your pipes is consistently too high, it can weaken the pipes over time and cause a rupture.
  • Clogs: Blocked drains and toilets can lead to increased pressure in the system.

Insulate Pipes Exposed to Cold

If you live in an area where temperatures drop significantly, make sure to insulate your pipes. Pipes located in unheated areas like basements, attics, and garages are most at risk. According to an article from Bob Vila, there are far more benefits of pipe insulation that many homeowners know little about. Pipe insulation is available at most hardware stores and is a worthy investment to prevent burst water pipes

Regular Inspection is Key

Yearly inspections of your plumbing system by professionals can nip potential problems in the bud. For residents in Canberra and nearby areas, local family-owned businesses like Rydeau Plumbing offer CCTV pipe camera inspections which can provide a detailed view of the condition of your pipes, ensuring any issues are spotted before they escalate.

A full home inspection is the best defence against future liability for the seller and the most assured way a buyer can feel comfortable with the home purchase.” – Tory Graham, Real Estate Broker

Maintain a Healthy Water Pressure

Invest in a water pressure gauge to check your home’s pressure. Residential water pressure should be 500kpa and is regulated by Icon Water. If it’s consistently higher, consider installing a pressure reducer. Lower pressure could mean you have a leak that needs attention.

Avoid Clogging Agents

Be cautious of what goes down your drains. Oils, fats, and coffee grounds can lead to blockages in kitchen drains. In bathrooms, hair and soap scum are frequent culprits. Regularly clear out potential blockage agents to ensure smooth water flow.

Invest in Pipe Relining Services

For old homes with deteriorating pipe systems, pipe relining offers a non-intrusive way to restore the structural integrity of existing pipelines. Rydeau Plumbing, for instance, offers such services, ensuring you get the benefits of a brand-new pipe system without the extensive excavation.

Educate Everyone in the Household

Make sure everyone, from children to the elderly, understands the basics of what not to flush or pour down drains. It’s also beneficial for everyone to know where the main water shut-off valve is in case of emergencies.

All the effort you put into maintaining your home helps this asset retain (and even increase) its value.” Romana King, Director of Content, Zolo

Have a Quick Response Plan

If, despite all precautions, you do find yourself facing a burst water pipe, it’s essential to act quickly. Shut off the main water supply, and if safe, switch off electricity in the affected area. Reach out to emergency plumbing services immediately.

While prevention is better than cure, it’s heartening to know that if things do go south, friendly, professional, and expert plumbing services like Rydeau Plumbing are ready to assist, ensuring your burst water pipe is addressed promptly and efficiently.

The aftermath of a burst water pipe can be daunting, both financially and emotionally. Yet, with a little foresight, preventive measures, and the assurance of reliable plumbing services at hand, you can confidently avert such disasters. After all, it’s not just about maintaining pipes but preserving the sanctity and comfort of our homes.


Why do water pipes burst?
Pipes often burst due to freezing temperatures, the natural ageing and corrosion process, high water pressure, or clogs. Regular maintenance can help prevent these common issues.

How can I protect my pipes during cold weather?
Insulate pipes exposed to cold, especially those in unheated areas like basements, attics, and garages. Pipe insulation can be purchased at most hardware stores and effectively minimises the risk of freezing.

How often should I inspect my plumbing system?
For optimal maintenance, a yearly professional inspection of your plumbing system is recommended. Modern techniques, such as CCTV pipe camera inspections, provide detailed insights into your pipes’ condition.

What is the ideal water pressure for my home to prevent a burst pipe?
Residential water pressure should ideally be between 50 and 70 psi. Consistently higher pressure might weaken pipes over time. If unsure, invest in a water pressure gauge to check and regulate.

Which substances commonly cause clogs, leading to burst pipes?
In kitchens, fats, oils, and coffee grounds are notorious for causing clogs. In bathrooms, hair and soap scum frequently lead to blockages. Regularly clear out these substances to maintain a smooth flow.

What is pipe relining, and how can it prevent pipe bursts?
Pipe relining is a process where a new lining is added inside an existing pipe, essentially creating a “pipe within a pipe”. It restores the structural integrity of ageing pipelines without the need for extensive excavation, thus reducing the risk of bursts.

How can I educate my family about preventing pipe bursts?
Teach family members about the basics of plumbing care, such as not flushing foreign objects or pouring oils down drains. Also, ensure everyone knows where the main water shut-off valve is for emergencies.

If I suspect a burst water pipe, what immediate steps should I take?
First, shut off the main water supply. If safe, turn off electricity in the affected area to avoid any risks. Then, call emergency plumbing services for immediate assistance.